This is the first version of a free set of LightWave tools from db&w.
Currently it only includes one node, but will be expaned in the future with more (or less) useful plugins.
Version 1.0 includes:
Material Blender
This node allows you to split up materials into shading components, merge shaders into materials or blend different materials together.
On thing worth noting is the fact that the shading input always overrides the respective material, so if you connect a material to the "fg Material" input, the "fg Specular" will override the specular component of the material.
Kudos to Mike Stetson for coming up with the initial idea.
If you find any issues, don't hesitate to mail us at .
We hope you enjoy working with this plugin.
Your db&w Team -
This plugin is copyrighted by db&w GbR. It is provided free of charge.
This program is provided “as is” without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.